TSP Drops Fast; 2009 COLA Rate Also Drops

The stock market has been falling fast and TSP return rates are falling along with the market. And, this will surprise some current and future federal retirees, the current COLA adjustment for next January also dropped in the past month. Here is a quick summary of your TSP returns and the 2009 COLA adjustment.

Buy High and Sell Low

The way to make money in the stock market is to “buy low and sell high.” But many investors follow the opposite practice. They “buy high and sell low.” Current trends show that, once again, the past is prologue and TSP participants are selling stock funds and adding billions into the G fund.

Funding Tobacco Legislation by Changing the Thrift Savings Plan

New legislation passed the House this week to protect public health by providing the Food and Drug Administration with authority to regulate tobacco products. The bill will cost about $300 million. An influential Congressman says not to worry–the money to fund this legislation will come from changing the federal Thrift Savings Plan. No doubt, these changes reassure TSP investors that Congress is looking out for their financial future.

Quietly Changing the TSP’s Investment Philosophy

A pending bill would quietly change the TSP’s investment philosophy. The result would be opening the door to more investment options, confusing many investors, applying more political pressure on the TSP and profiting financial interests with Congressional patrons. The likely losers: TSP investors who are benefiting from a simple, inexpensive retirement plan that is currently a model for private sector retirement plans.