How To Tell If You Are Getting Bad Advice About Your TSP

Image of senior couple at home meeting with financial advisor

Your savings inside of the Thrift Savings Plan that you worked so hard throughout your federal career to accumulate are a large component of providing income in retirement. It is important, therefore, to make sure you make the right choices with regards to preserving these funds. The author provides some advice for federal employees on different ways to determine what constitutes good and bad advice as it relates to their savings inside of the TSP.

What Impact Does Unused Sick Leave Have on My Annuity?

I plan on retiring with 42 years and 7 months of service in Jan 2017. I will have accumulated 2500 hours of sick leave balance at time of retirement. I am in CSRS, so I was wondering what the increase in my annuity, expressed as a percentage, above the 80% value, would be due to credit for sick leave.