Watching TV, Going to Class, Lifting Weights: All Part of the Workday

A federal court found a problem with an agency’s deciding official talking with other managers about their views of an employee who had received a removal notice. And, while the employee being fired apparently liked to watch “Oprah” on her computer, the court suggested the MSPB review the record showing that other federal employees also watched television in the office during the workday.

Are Federal Appeals Processes Complex? Fired Fed Gets Reprieve

A fired federal employee who appealed to the Merit Systems Protection Board about 19 months after the deadline has managed to persuade the federal appeals court to overturn the Board’s dismissal of her appeal as untimely and therefore has won the right to have her case heard on the merits. A court found that the agency’s notice of appeal rights was incorrect at one point in the 4-year history of the case.