Government Ethics With a Sense of Humor

Government ethics with a sense of humor will seem like a misprint to some readers. But one government official has gone to a lot of effort to catalog “ethical lapses” of some federal employees with an eye toward illustrating how one can ruin a career, and perhaps go to prison, by failing to follow the dictates of ethical standards of conduct.

“Surfin’ USA” – Accessing the Net at Work and Other Time-Wasting Activities – Are They a Cost or Benefit to Your Agency?

Do you have cyberloafers and cyberslackers in your workplace? Most organizations have some but it is probably a small percentage of the workforce. Some supervisors devise a solution that penalizes the whole group and not just the major offenders. Here is a summary of the most common time wasting activities and suggestions for dealing with the problem.

National Health Care: A Disaster or Promise of a Better Future?

The topic of national health care is a frequent topic of political speeches and some presidential candidates think they have found a subject that could help them win the White House. But selling the public on a national health care system may not be that easy or may not be something many people want. Many readers have serious reservations about such a system while a smaller number think a national health care system would cost less and provide better health care for some.

NLRB v. FLRA: Round Two Coming Up

The Federal Labor Relations Authority recently ruled against the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on an issue regarding employees of the NLRB. In a press release, the NLRB announces it is ready for the second round of litigation from two of the federal government’s agencies specializing in labor relations.