Stay in Town Until Budget is Passed!

FedSmith readers spoke out in giving their opinions on the budget stalemate and their 2008 pay raise. 92% think that Congress should not adjourn until a budget has passed and 47% think the average pay raise for 2008 will be 3%. 58% do not think there will be a government shutdown.

Not a Stickler for Detail

A mother and son worked at the same agency. The mother was a human resources specialist. Both of them were fired. The son was fired for falsification of job applications in the agency’s automated program. The son’s appeal went to federal court but the court upheld the credibility determination made by the administrative judge and he stays fired.

TSP Stock Funds Plunge in November

What is a market “correction?” Are we in a bear market now or do the November TSP prices reflect a correction in a market that may still be going up? The value of the TSP stock funds followed the overall stock market and prices dropped in November. Your long term gains are still intact but here are some facts that should make you take a close look at your TSP funds.

The Box and The Road

One solution to a problem is to create a box: a delineation of acceptable behavior and a chance to demonstrate the ability to follow it. If you are a supervisor, do you have the persistence to go down the road of following a solution through to its end after creating the box?