Employee Free Choice Act: Candidate Obama’s Achilles Heel?

A drastic decline in union members in the private sector and a dramatically pro-union, anti-business House bill endorsed by Senator Obama may mean that labor relations takes a front seat along with the Iraq War and the economy in the upcoming election. On this issue, the candidates are diametrically opposed. Will backing a strong pro-union law affect a candidate whose slogan is “organize for change” positively or negatively when so many consider unions a vestige of antiquated thinking? You decide.

Survey Surprise: McCain Trounces Obama in Reader Preference

National polls consistently show Barack Obama as running ahead of John McCain in the race to become the next President of the United States. Past surveys of our readers have revealed changes in voter sentiment before similar results showed up in national polls. That may or may not happen this year but, in this anonymous survey, John McCain finished far ahead of Senator Obama–unlike our earlier survey which showed a very close race. Reader comments reveal the concerns and issues of importance to our readers. The underlying issues cited by many readers are often not discussed in the national media but may play a major role in the 2008 presidential race.

Confessions of a Federal Retiree

Like many people, this federal retiree left government service with high hopes and plans for the future. Some worked out well but the reality of health and financial issues brought home to this author how life can change after retirement. He offers advice on how to live and which decisions may be the most important ones after leaving government service.