“Drill Here, Drill Now”

“Drill here, drill now” has become a political hot topic as gas prices have been soaring. One argument against drilling: The oil companies are not even drilling with existing leases. A decision from a federal appeals court finds that the government reneged on off-shore leases off the California coast and kept the companies from exploring and tapping off-shore resources. The government has been ordered to pay more than $1.1 billion to the leaseholders.

Buy High and Sell Low

The way to make money in the stock market is to “buy low and sell high.” But many investors follow the opposite practice. They “buy high and sell low.” Current trends show that, once again, the past is prologue and TSP participants are selling stock funds and adding billions into the G fund.

Personal Expenses and Canceled Leave

If an agency cancels an employee’s leave that had been approved, should the agency be liable for the employee’s expenses? An agency and a union agreed to such a provision but it was disapproved by by the agency as being outside the agency’s duty to bargain. A federal court has agreed with that position.