Retirement Planning and the Decline of Your TSP Investments

Has the decline in the value of stocks–especially the decline in the value of the Thrift Savings Plan portfolios of many readers–caused a change in retirement plans? How are federal employees reacting to the drop in the value of their retirement investments? Last week’s survey shows there is an optimistic streak–along with the dashed hopes of some who are delaying retirement and hoping for the best.

Do You Have an Uzi?

This federal employee who worked for the Postal Service apparently intentionally flunked a required training program and asked if one of the instructors had an Uzi. The employee had three prior suspensions and was fired for this one. It went to federal court for resolution.

Investing During The Great Recession and Your Personal Financial Future

You have reason to feel your financial future is at risk. We are in an uncertain economic situation. So what about your future retirement? Should you be putting money into the G fund, the F fund or into stocks? Here is a summary of professional investment prognosticators at a recent event for investors. It is not optimistic but may be helpful to you in planning your financial future.