Investing During The Great Recession and Your Personal Financial Future

You have reason to feel your financial future is at risk. We are in an uncertain economic situation. So what about your future retirement? Should you be putting money into the G fund, the F fund or into stocks? Here is a summary of professional investment prognosticators at a recent event for investors. It is not optimistic but may be helpful to you in planning your financial future.

Will Stimulus Spending Package Help America? Readers Express Strong Opinions–Most Express Doubts About Success

Most Americans are concerned about the economy. Our readers work for the federal government (or used to) and their views on the likely success or failure of the stimulus spending package are presumably based on this knowledge and experience. In addition, much of the money in the new spending will be in their hands as they implement the decisions made by Congress and the Administration. What do readers think of the new spending proposals? Here are the results of the survey taken this week.