Extension of Locality Payments to Non-General Schedule Employees

The President’s Pay Agent has decided to extend the 2011 locality payments to the same Governmentwide and single-agency categories of employees authorized to receive the 2010 locality payments. If a pay freeze is enacted for 2011, these employees will be entitled to continue to receive locality payments at the 2010 level. Here is the OPM announcement.

FLRA’s Christmas Present to a Union?

Groucho Marx said “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.” In a recent arbitration appeal, the FLRA reversed itself over an issue involving an agreement made by political direction with the union in the waning days of the Clinton Administration. The current Chairman, a member when the original case was decided did not dissent then but now gives the union not only a second bite of the apple but, arguably, the whole bushel. Is it a holiday gift? You decide.

How to Spot a Lie

While you and I are not, strictly speaking, equipped with internal lie detectors, we can learn many of the common giveaways people display when they’re trying to get away with something. And those can serve as the next best thing.

D.C. Circuit Clarifies Threshold for Retaliation in EEO Claims

A recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has clarified and lowered the threshold of what defines “retaliation” in claims of discrimination. The Court of Appeals held that an agency’s actions can be considered retaliatory if the actions would discourage a reasonable person from making or supporting a discrimination claim.

TSA on X-Ray Machines: They’re Safe

There has been controversy surrounding the TSA’s use of body scanners in airport security, in part due to questions about the safety of radiation emitted from the machines. The TSA recently published some data on the radiation safety levels of their x-ray equipment.