Raiders of the Lost Art, Part Two: Analysis of an FLSA Arbitration Case

The overtime and associated costs paid by multiple Federal agencies in arbitration decisions or in settlements reached by the parties on Fair Labor Standards Act cases is staggering. In the second of these articles, the author provides an analysis from a Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) case and why agencies are losing these cases.

Pay Freeze Misses Federal Employees Whose Unions Will Bargain Pay

The Author discusses the Federal pay freeze statute, the Obama Executive Order and implementing memo as well as OPM’s guidance. He asks whether the apparent exclusion from a pay freeze for those who are going to bargain pay is intentional or otherwise. Nowhere in the law is there a limit or in any of the paper, instructions to Agency management to hold the pay line with the unions. Read it for yourself and decide whether the President’s union friends got a pass.

Become a Master Communicator

Communication skills aren’t magic. They aren’t inherited by a lucky few, either. You can learn them. And you’ll find many of them in this free little ebook as a gift from the author and Become a Master Communicator: 59 Quick and Easy Tips You Can Use Today to Become a Standout Writer, Speaker, Presenter, and Listener.

High Five vs. High Three: Is There a Difference In Your Retirement Annuity?

The deficit commission has proposed changing federal retirement to use the highest five years of earnings to calculate civil service pension benefits for new retirees (CSRS and FERS) rather than the highest three years. How much of a difference would this make in a retirement annuity? It depends. Here are several scenarios.