Pay Freeze Misses Federal Employees Whose Unions Will Bargain Pay

The Author discusses the Federal pay freeze statute, the Obama Executive Order and implementing memo as well as OPM’s guidance. He asks whether the apparent exclusion from a pay freeze for those who are going to bargain pay is intentional or otherwise. Nowhere in the law is there a limit or in any of the paper, instructions to Agency management to hold the pay line with the unions. Read it for yourself and decide whether the President’s union friends got a pass.

President Issues Memo Explaining Pay Freeze

President Obama has issued a memo explaining the rationale for a federal pay freeze and advising agency heads with discretion on federal pay “should not provide any upward adjustments in Federal employees’ pay schedules or rates during the two-year period covered by the statutory pay freeze.”

Federal Employee Pay Freeze: A Bill Clinton “Flashback?”

The author offers comments by a number of agency and union members of the National Council on Federal Labor Management Relations but finds no mention of the pre-decisional involvement of Federal employees or their unions in the decision to freeze Federal employee pay. Didn’t Executive Order 13522 require that? Is this a Bill Clinton flashback? You decide.

Pay Parity and Your 2010 Pay Raise

Congress says it approves the idea of pay parity between federal employees and military personnel but doesn’t indicate how much should be approved for a possible pay raise in 2010. Will federal employees be asked to take a lower raise in the midst of rising unemployment and low inflation? Also, federal retirees are on track to go without a COLA increase.