How is Your Annual Federal Pay Raise Determined and What is it Likely to Be Next Year?

Image of a businessman pressing a pay button on a touch screen

The Obama administration has recommended a 1.6% pay raise for federal workers in 2017. Does that mean this is a done deal and federal employees now know what their pay raise will be next year? Hardly. Here is a detailed look at how the political process surrounding how the federal workforce is paid is likely to play out in the coming months.

New Survey Raises the Question, ‘Will Feds Be Permitted to Develop Financial Maturity?’

Road sign pointing to 'financial freedom' exit

The author says that federal employees are frequently sheltered from financial and retirement information in their careers. He says federal workers need to be permitted to have self-reliance in their understanding of at least basic retirement concepts to avoid making mistakes that can harm their future financial goals.