Who Will Get the Benefit of Your Retirement Annuity?

Who will receive your federal pension payments after your death? While an ideal relationship may be a couple getting married and living together for many years, reality can be different. With complex relationships, determining the disposition of a federal pension payment may provide employment for a number of people. Here is one of these cases.

Privacy Among Federal Employees: Who Has More Rights?

What happens to information in agency case files when an agency employee with access to those files pursues his own complaint? Can the employee in the human resources or EEO office use those files to his own advantage? In a complex case, the MSPB upholds a 30-day suspension of a federal employee who had access to private information and who also had his own axe to grind.

Stock Market Volatility and Your Retirement Funds: How Did TSP Investors React Last Week?

A rational person could read recent financial headlines and conclude that the end of wealth accumulation was at hand. A credit crunch, falling housing prices, falling stock prices and general panic seemed to be in the air. How did TSP investors react? Did they bail out of their TSP stock funds? Here are the statistics that reflect the actions of your fellow investors.