Changing the Federal Hiring Process

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has not been silent about its desire to change the federal hiring process which, it says, is too complex, takes too long and doesn’t get the job done in helping increase the size of Uncle Sam’s civilian army. Here is a significant change now being implemented.

The Underpaid Federal Support Staff

“Poorly-paid federal employees cope as best they can. Many defer retirement and work into their late sixties or seventies. Some claim as many as thirty federal tax exemptions—this is a strategy that offers short-term relief and long-term headaches when the IRS catches on and garnishes their salary. Many work a second job.”

The New Labor Relations: Are You Ready, Career Federal Executive?

As Executive Order 13522 is implemented, career Federal execs face new challenges finding themselves sandwiched between political appointees with a series of agendas including making unions happy, and unions with great expectations of expanded influence. Walking that wire may be a very new experience for those who were not at the front in the Clinton years. The Author offers 10 morsels of food for thought.

Bullied to Death? A 15-Year-Old Massachusetts Girl Hangs Herself After Relentless Bullying at School

I think that we Americans do outrage particularly well. The problem I see is with our recurring lack of follow-up to such horrific incidents. In this case, I would have great difficulty understanding a lack of outrage on the part of anyone reading the article quoted above or the many other stories about Phoebe Prince’s tragic death.