Federal Employee Pay Freeze: A Bill Clinton “Flashback?”

The author offers comments by a number of agency and union members of the National Council on Federal Labor Management Relations but finds no mention of the pre-decisional involvement of Federal employees or their unions in the decision to freeze Federal employee pay. Didn’t Executive Order 13522 require that? Is this a Bill Clinton flashback? You decide.

Raiders of the Lost Art: “Overtime Lawyer” Loots Treasury (Legally)

A few months ago, a colleague forwarded to the author a number of recent arbitration decisions which had gone against Federal agencies and had resulted in tens of millions of dollars in overtime payments to bargaining unit employees wrongly designated as exempt from the FLSA. The overtime and associated costs paid by multiple Federal agencies in arbitration decisions or in settlements reached by the parties was truly staggering.

The Financial Impact of a Salary Freeze or Retirement Computation Change On Your Future Income

This article quantifies some of the changes that have been proposed to the federal retirement system. How much would a pay freeze impact your future income? How much of an impact would you see if the “high three” were changed to a “high five?” Here are examples of how you may be impacted.