D.C. Circuit Clarifies Threshold for Retaliation in EEO Claims

A recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has clarified and lowered the threshold of what defines “retaliation” in claims of discrimination. The Court of Appeals held that an agency’s actions can be considered retaliatory if the actions would discourage a reasonable person from making or supporting a discrimination claim.

TSA on X-Ray Machines: They’re Safe

There has been controversy surrounding the TSA’s use of body scanners in airport security, in part due to questions about the safety of radiation emitted from the machines. The TSA recently published some data on the radiation safety levels of their x-ray equipment.

The Best Date to Retire in 2011

Many people are curious about the best day to retire in 2011. Well, the best day to retire in 2011 is the same as it was in 2010; that is December 31st. This is especially important for those who are planning on receiving a large annual leave payment, as the leave year ends on December 31, 2011 and anyone who retires after that date will lose any excess use-or-lose leave they have accrued.

DC Area Congressmen Object to Federal Pay Freeze

Congressional representatives from the DC area are understandably unhappy with the federal pay freeze proposal and want to delay any decision on the freeze until the next Congress convenes. The Congressmen argue that claims on federal pay are based on “politics” while, presumably, their claims are based on a higher standard.