Become a Master Communicator

Communication skills aren’t magic. They aren’t inherited by a lucky few, either. You can learn them. And you’ll find many of them in this free little ebook as a gift from the author and Become a Master Communicator: 59 Quick and Easy Tips You Can Use Today to Become a Standout Writer, Speaker, Presenter, and Listener.

The Power of Discussion

The readers’ comments on articles and headlines are one of the most popular features on the site. We have made changes to this feature to make the commenting process more interactive and encourage communication among our users.

President Issues Memo Explaining Pay Freeze

President Obama has issued a memo explaining the rationale for a federal pay freeze and advising agency heads with discretion on federal pay “should not provide any upward adjustments in Federal employees’ pay schedules or rates during the two-year period covered by the statutory pay freeze.”

Extension of Locality Payments to Non-General Schedule Employees

The President’s Pay Agent has decided to extend the 2011 locality payments to the same Governmentwide and single-agency categories of employees authorized to receive the 2010 locality payments. If a pay freeze is enacted for 2011, these employees will be entitled to continue to receive locality payments at the 2010 level. Here is the OPM announcement.