Obama Executive Order on Labor Management Forums: Deadline Dates and Requirements

Federal Agencies have lots to do in a short time to meet the requirements of the new Executive Order creating labor-management forums. The author’s wife, a retired Federal Human Resources Director, is betting him that Agencies will never meet the deadlines set by the Order for submitting plans. The author looks at requirements Agencies face.

The New Federal Labor Relations Authority: Ten Suggestions that Might Really Improve Federal Collective Bargaining

FLRA has a new website and, according to its Chairman, a new “season” based on “Revitalization, Reinvention, and Re-engagement”. Her message is the keynote on the cosmetically altered site. Taking on the prior Authority (of which she was a member) claiming it’s “performance, along with employee morale, had suffered” and sounding a lot like Al Gore, she wants to reinvent the FLRA but how she plans to do so is a bit hazy.