Extension of Locality Payments to Non-General Schedule Employees

The President’s Pay Agent has decided to extend the 2011 locality payments to the same Governmentwide and single-agency categories of employees authorized to receive the 2010 locality payments. If a pay freeze is enacted for 2011, these employees will be entitled to continue to receive locality payments at the 2010 level. Here is the OPM announcement.

FLRA’s Christmas Present to a Union?

Groucho Marx said “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.” In a recent arbitration appeal, the FLRA reversed itself over an issue involving an agreement made by political direction with the union in the waning days of the Clinton Administration. The current Chairman, a member when the original case was decided did not dissent then but now gives the union not only a second bite of the apple but, arguably, the whole bushel. Is it a holiday gift? You decide.

FLRA’s B(1) Pilot Training Course Materials: Is Permissive Bargaining Now Mandatory?

The author requested and received FLRA’s training materials used to train participants in pilot programs in which parties will bargain agency permissive topics. These pilots dramatically expand union bargaining rights. It’s unclear what authorizes union representatives’ official time for this training or authorizes FLRA to train the representatives of a non-governmental entity for free. You decide.