Recent Court Decision Highlights Repeated FLRA Statutory Violations

Recently, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals told the MSPB, in no uncertain terms, to stay out of the position sensitivity determination business. The Federal Labor Relations Authority has repeatedly second guessed Agencies in these matters. These FLRA decisions are not challengeable except in the Unfair Labor Practice arena. The author asks if it is time OPM and/or Agencies stepped up to the plate and took on the FLRA.

Federal Circuit Stresses Security Removal Options Over MSPB

In a landmark case (Berry v. Conyers), the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals tells Agencies that if an employee no longer is able to hold a “sensitive” position, the removal is not subject to “Adverse Action” rules or appealable to MSPB. While the principle is not new, the Court decision begs the question of why Agencies don’t use this flexibility more often.