Susan McGuire Smith

Author: Susan McGuire Smith

Susan McGuire Smith spent most of her federal legal career with NASA, serving as Chief Counsel at Marshall Space Flight Center for 14 years. Her expertise is in government contracts, ethics, and personnel law.

Veterans’ Preference, Merit Promotion and Federal Jobs: What Does the Law Require?

An employee of the Merit Systems Protection Board applied for a job at another agency. He was entitled to veterans’ preference but he was not selected for the job. A federal court upholds the agency’s handling of the personnel action as an agency is not limited “to the competitive examination process in making its final selection.”

Does MSPB Order Supersede Union Agreement?

Does an order of the Merit Systems Protection Board supersede a collective bargaining agreement? A Postal Service employee, who had been demoted and suspended, contended the agency had an obligation to put him into a position that would have violated a union agreement. The Board and a federal court ruled the agency was not required to violate the union agreement.