Ralph R. Smith

Author: Ralph R. Smith

Ralph Smith has several decades of experience working with federal human resources issues. He has written extensively on a full range of human resources topics in books and newsletters and is a co-founder of two companies and several newsletters on federal human resources. Follow Ralph on Twitter: @RalphSmith47

Charge Card Abuse? Who Cares?

The issue of credit card abuse in government surfaces on a regular basis. Little seems to change. A new GAO report highlights a problem with purchase cards. The reaction of many in the government community is likely to be “Thanks for the report. We don’t really care.”

The Value of the F Fund in Your Retirement Planning

The F fund in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is sometimes the Rodney Dangerfield of the TSP funds–It doesn’t get any respect. The G fund is the safe haven; the I fund is used by market timers to try and juice up their returns, the S fund is good for fast growth as we are coming out of a recession and the C fund is the old stock market standby that most people think of when they want to put some of their retirement funds into stocks. But what is the F fund good for?

Remarriage, Federal Pension Benefits and Lawyers

Marriage, divorce, remarriage and federal retirement benefits are a volatile mix. The money available is finite, there is often considerable emotion involved, and someone is going to get more money while another person may get less. In this case, wife number one thought she should get the maximum survivor annuity from her former husband. And, in this case, wife number one is the winner.

Edsels, Hula Hoops and Internal Government Promotions

The culture of government has changed in the past 20 years and these changes have impacted how Uncle Sam selects its higher graded employees. Federal employees in GS grades 12 – 15 used to be selected from within the existing workforce. But, just as the Edsel, the hula hoop. and the “company man” have faded from American life, so has the practice of always using internal promotions to fill higher graded positions.

Contact Ralph R. Smith