Traders Taking Bite From TSP Returns

Out of a few million Thrift Savings Plan participants, there are several thousand who trade their funds on a frequent basis. This activity is costing a few million dollars a year in additional expenses. The TSP is considering a recommendation to limit the number of TSP trades that a participant could make during a month.

Shutdowns, Furloughs, COLAs, Congress and the 2008 Pay Raise

Congress has gone home even though the Senate says it is still technically open for business. While they may enjoy their time away from DC, their departure leaves open the possibility of furloughs in DoD, funding for most federal agencies still up in the air and uncertainty about the 2008 pay raise for current federal employees. Retirees are set though. Enjoy your holiday.

The Federal Budget, Government Shutdown and the 2008 Pay Raise

Any federal employee who may have wondered if career civil service employees are involved in politics need only consider the current budget war on spending for fiscal year 2008 (for the fiscal year that started October 1st). Will there be a government shutdown? Will “nonessential” federal employees be sent home? Will the dispute impact your 2008 pay raise?

If I Had Known They Could Fire Me, I Would Not Have Done It

In addition to the typical defense that he was fired because he was a “whistleblower”, this Air Force employee argued that his “employment contract” with the government did not outline the standard of review for indefinite suspensions. Fortunately for agencies, the court held that an agency is not required prior to hiring a new employee “to provide…all the case law that may become relevant….”

Atmosphere Like a Popular Sitcom But Case Dismissed by Court

For a harassment claim to succeed, among other things the plaintiff has to show that her employer knew (or should have known) about the harassment and did nothing to stop it. In this case, the atmosphere in the federal group sounded like a script from a popular sitcom. But the employee waited several months to complain. The end result was a summary judgment decision for the agency.