One Too Many Appeals

An employee of the Federal Aviation Administration who was subject to a reduction in force (RIF) filed an appeal with the MSPB. But he had already joined a class action lawsuit so the MSPB dismissed his appeal but his name was also withdrawn from the class action lawsuit as a result of a motion from his attorney. Left out despite the numerous initial options, he went to federal court to try for a more favorable outcome.

Do Your Emotions Dictate Your Retirement Investments?

The stock market has hit new high levels. TSP stock funds are hitting new highs. Some investors are elated. For those TSP investors getting ready to retire, and who may have sold their stock funds when the market dropped back in February, their emotions may be moving in the opposite direction. Will they now sell the bond funds and move into stocks?

Government Ethics With a Sense of Humor

Government ethics with a sense of humor will seem like a misprint to some readers. But one government official has gone to a lot of effort to catalog “ethical lapses” of some federal employees with an eye toward illustrating how one can ruin a career, and perhaps go to prison, by failing to follow the dictates of ethical standards of conduct.

“Surfin’ USA” – Accessing the Net at Work and Other Time-Wasting Activities – Are They a Cost or Benefit to Your Agency?

Do you have cyberloafers and cyberslackers in your workplace? Most organizations have some but it is probably a small percentage of the workforce. Some supervisors devise a solution that penalizes the whole group and not just the major offenders. Here is a summary of the most common time wasting activities and suggestions for dealing with the problem.